Colorado Adopts 2021 IBC for Schools - includes Acoustic Requirements for Classrooms
Acoustics Enhance Learning
The Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control has adopted the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) for public school construction in the State of Colorado, effective July 1st, 2021. IBC Section 1207 - Enhanced Classroom Acoustics references the ICC A117.1-2017 standard on Accessible and Usable Building and Facilities. ICC A117.1-2017 Section 808 addresses Enhanced Acoustics for Classrooms. For the first time in Colorado, acoustical requirements will be part of the building code for new schools.
The code addresses reverberation and HVAC system noise levels in classrooms. Indirectly, sound isolation is addressed by requiring intrusive sound to be below 35 dBA.
The acoustics of spaces such as gymnasiums, cafeterias, commons, theaters, etc., are not covered.
We understand that Colorado will apply this code to PK-12 school projects of new construction, Level 3 alterations (more than 50% of floor area remodel), and additions.
The Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC) approached Wave Engineering to develop and present a webinar to educate code officials, architects, and others in the school design community. The recorded webinar is available here:
Webinar on the New Colorado Code Requirements for Classroom Acoustics
The new code changes will have a significant impact on school projects throughout Colorado. We believe these changes will have a positive effect on classrooms and provide a better learning environment for students. However, the acoustic requirements will certainly have an impact on school construction costs. The new requirements must be addressed during the design process before the project is submitted to the state.
Wave Engineering has been involved with over 100 K-12 school projects in Colorado and across the United States. Over 50 of these projects are designed to meet the acoustic requirements of LEED or CHPS. If you have questions or would like to discuss how these new acoustic requirements might affect your project, please contact Jeff Kwolkoski or Ben Seep at Wave Engineering.
Stay tuned for more posts addressing specific aspects of the new Colorado code requirements.